From the Desk of Principal Artime

Greetings Carver Families:

I hope everyone is well and ready for another fabulous week of teaching and learning at the best Middle School in the country! 

Congratulations are in order for our International Studies Spanish students who led by Ms. Noa put together a wonderful talent show that was enjoyed by all this past Friday!  Congratulations to Ms. Noa and her students for showcasing their talents and their heritage for all to see!  

This month as we celebrate Black History Month, MDCPS honored the legacy behind G.W. Carver Middle School by including the following about our school's namesake on Social Media. "George Washington Carver was a pioneering African American scientist and educator whose work in STEM shaped agriculture and innovation.  His groundbreaking research and advocacy for sustainable farming practices have left a lasting legacy.  Carver's impact continues to inspire generations of students and scientists."    Mrs. Francis Tucker, a Tuskegee University graduate, and friend of Dr. George Washington Carver, became founding principal in 1929, and served until her retirement in 1956. When Dr. George Washington Carver died in 1942, Mrs. Tucker led a movement to rename the school in his honor.  Because our school originally included High School classes, every year we welcome back those that graduated from G.W. Carver High School (now in their 80s and 90s) for our Alumni Hall of Fame.  The Carver Community is invited to join us on Friday, February 28 at 2pm for this yearly event. 

There is a lot of excitement in 7th Grade about the trip to Washington D.C!  Approximately 180 students have qualified for just 50 spots.  By the end of the day today all of the students that qualified will have been advised by their Civics teachers.  As we have very limited spaces, only those students with good grades, excellent conduct, stellar effort and attendance were selected.  On Tuesday February 11, we will have two Zoom Meetings (6:00pm for Mr. Sands' class and 6:30pm for Ms. Vinat's class).  These meetings are intended  to answer questions for those parents that would like more information before attempting to secure one of the 50 spots for the trip.  The meeting is not mandatory but parents of students selected to participate are highly encouraged to attend.  The Zoom link will be sent later today to the parents of qualifying students.  OSP (the school district online payment system) will open on Thursday February 13 at exactly 7:00pm and a $300.00 deposit will be required. Paying this deposit on OSP is the only way to secure a spot. Last year the 50 seats were gone in 2 minutes.  If you do not succeed in securing a spot and would like to be placed on a waiting list you must email me  ( and we will use the time stamped emails as the order of the waitlist.  Good luck to all of the students hoping to attend!

We would like to wish our Theatre students safe travels as they prepare to represent our school at a State Competition in Orlando this coming weekend!  I am sure that they will shine!  

Please review the attached flyer and join MDCPS families on February 22, 2025 at MDCPS Parent Academy Family Fest taking place at the Community Resource Hub in Doral. EN- Family Fest flyer.pdf 

This Friday we will celebrate Valentine's Day with a PTSA fundraiser at G.W. Carver Middle School.  Students may purchase bands for $2 and wear a red, white or pink top as well as blue jeans on Friday, February 14, 2025.  Please be reminded ripped jeans and sweatpants are not allowed!  Also, please be aware that Carver sweatpants are no longer allowed on Fridays.  If we have an upcoming cold weather day (below 65 degrees) parents will receive a notification allowing sweatpants.  

Please remind our students that our Value for this month is Kindness.  A very wise woman once told me "It costs nothing to be kind but it means everything!" I challenge us all to consider teaching our children by example about random acts of kindness!

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs. Artime

Greetings Hornet Families:

Welcome to February!  It is month dedicated to KINDNESS!  WE are proud of our students at Carver that show KINDNESS to eachother! 

Please take time to review all of the activities planned for February on our monthly school calendar Feb 25.pdf We would like to congratulate all of our students and teachers that participated in the MDCPS EXPO AND SECME Day this Saturday.  Three Carver students (Jacob Fernandez, Melissa Moy and Sophia Squalli) had Science Projects chosen to compete at the State Level Competition. Our Bottle Rocket Launch and Math Counts Teams both placed second in the District for all Middle Schools!  We are very proud of our students and their awesome teachers.

Kudos also go to our Girls' and Boys' Track Teams.  Both Boys and Girls placed second out of 27 schools at the District Middle School Track Meet! Go! Hornets! GO! 

Here are a few reminders:

Selected 8th Grade students will be attending a presentation this week that highlights the dangers of Fentanyl.  If you do not wish your child to attend, please be sure that you email an administrator by Wednesday.  Fentanyl School Flyer.100224 (1).pdf 

7th Graders that qualify for the Washington trip will be notified this week.  A meeting will be held next week via ZOOM for the parents of students that qualify for the trip and are interested in attending.  A letter will go out via school messenger to the parents of students that qualify with more details.  Stay tuned!

6th Grade Students will have their yearly Bowling fieldtrip on March 21, 2025.

Congratulations to our Miami Marathon participants: Ms. Hernandez, Mr. Rivers, and Ms. Usatorres!  We are inspired by your dedication to leading a healthy lifestyle!

On March 1, 2025 we all have the opportunity to participate in the Superintendent's 5k! Sign up today for TEAM CARVER Middle using the code on the following flyer: SUPT 2025 5K FLYER WITH NEW LOCATION ENGLISH JANUARY 28 2025.pdf 

This week we are celebrating our wonderful STUDENT SERVICES TEAM!

Mr. Lopez Brown- School Social Worker

Ms. Buzainz- 6th Grade Counselor

Ms. Castillo- 7th and 8th Grade Counselor

Ms. Hernandez- ESE Chair

Ms. Llopiz- Dean of Students

Ms. Peralta- Resource Teacher

Thank you to each of you for the GOLD STANDARD support that you give to all of our Carver Students and Carver Families!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week full of kindness all around!


Mrs. Artime

Greeting Carver Families,

We are excited to share some outstanding achievements with you this week!

Spelling Bee Congratulations
Congratulations to 8th grader Daniel Bergamo, our G.W. Carver Middle School Spelling Bee Champion! Daniel’s hard work and dedication led him to victory in this year’s competition. He will represent G.W. Carver at the 85th Miami Herald Spelling Bee in February.  A big round of applause also goes to Matias Pereira, a 6th grader, who earned the title of Runner-Up! Both students did an incredible job representing our school. We are proud of their achievement and the academic excellence they both exemplify.

Teacher of the Year Recognition
Please join me in congratulating Ms. Arca, who has been named Teacher of the Year! Her commitment to our students and the passion she brings to her classroom make her an invaluable member of the Carver team. Additionally, Ms. Chavez has been named Rookie Teacher of the Year! Her dedication and fresh perspective have made a lasting impact in her early career with MDCPS. Both Ms. Arca and Ms. Chavez will be representing G.W. Carver Middle School at the District Teacher of the Year ceremony this Tuesday evening. We couldn’t be more proud of their accomplishments!

7th Grade Field Trip – Chaperones Needed
Looking ahead to our exciting 7th Grade Field Trip to Dave and Buster’s on March 7th, we are looking for parent chaperones to help ensure the trip runs smoothly. If you are interested in volunteering as a chaperone, please reach out to Mr. Sands via email at . We would greatly appreciate your support in making this experience memorable for our students!

Safety Committee Meeting
At G.W. Carver, safety is always our top priority. We will be holding our monthly Safety Committee Meeting on Friday, January 31st at 2:00 PM in the Old Cafeteria. Our Carver Safety Committee will discuss important safety initiatives and ways to continue fostering a secure and supportive school environment for all of our students.  If you have any concerns or suggestions you can email administration ( or PTSA.  

iReady Testing
This week, our students will begin taking the iReady diagnostic assessments in both Reading and Math. These assessments are an important tool in helping us understand each student’s individual learning needs and ensure they are receiving the support they need to succeed.

Important Reminders
As we head into the second semester, please continue to review school policies with your child, especially regarding attendance, tardiness, and uniform guidelines. Timeliness and proper dress are key components to ensuring success both in and out of the classroom.

Thank you once again for being such an integral part of our Gold Standard school community. 

Best regards,
Mrs. Artime
Principal, G.W. Carver Middle School

Greeting Carver Families:

G.W. Carver Middle School  has once again been recognized by Magnet Schools of America as a 2025 TOP MAGNET SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE!!!

Congratulations to our dedicated staff and students!  This NATIONAL RECOGNITION  is a testament to the hard work and passion of our students, teachers, parents and ENTIRE STAFF!  

This past Friday all of our HORNETS had a fantastic day to end our first semester!   THANK YOU to the PTSA for a fun and engaging 6th Grade Social. Thank you to Coach Ro, Mr. Sands and Student Council for our traditional Carver KICK IT UP Games and thank you to our 8th Grade Team Leaders Ms. Noa and Ms. Kelly for organizing a great 8th Grade field trip to Islands of Adventure!  It was truly a fun filled day and many CORE MEMORIES were made by our middle school  students!  

Here are some important reminders for the SECOND SEMESTER:

  • Carver continues to be a NO PHONE ZONE before school and during the school day.  Upon arrival on campus all cell phones should be in student backpacks.  Students may use cell phones ONLY after school.

  • Please be aware there is no early dismissal after 3:20 pm.  If you need to pick up your child from school early you MUST arrive before 3:20pm or your child will not be able to be dismissed early.

  • Please make every effort to be in school on time.  Students arriving late must go to the attendance office to get a late pass.  Excessive tardies will have an impact on future magnet applications as well as participation in extracurricular activities. 

  • Reminder: A student is in school attendance for a full day if the student is actually present for at least two (2) hours of the school day.  

  • M-DCPS Parent Academy is committed to engage and empower parents and caregivers by providing resources, videos, and live weekly webinars. Registration for webinars is available at: . The flyer attached lists the live “Weekly Webinar” topics offered from January 21, 2025, through March 20, 2025. Webinars are offered at 9 AM and 6 PM as found in the link: 34432_ENG_Flyer_3_Weekly_Webinar_2024-25.pdf.crdownload 

  • This is a good time to check your child's uniform. Is it time for new pants? New bermudas? New sneakers?  Please be sure that our students are  wearing their school uniform appropriately and with pride every single day!

PTSA Updates

Thank you to our PTSA for the PARFAIT treats to celebrate the beginning of the new semester and the completion of the first semester!  GWCMS PTSA is simply the BEST!

Please plan to join us at Anthony's Pizza  2626 Ponce De Leon Blvd. this Thursday,  January 23, 2025.  If you mention Carver when you order they will donate 20% of all proceeds to our PTSA.

Our second general PTSA meeting will take place on February 19, 2025 at 5:00pm in the new cafeteria.

Mark your calendars for April 3 and join us at the MIAMI HEAT vs. Memphis Grizzlies Game and help support your PTSA...Tickets will go on sale soon for $34.00 Click on this link for more info!  04.03.25 - GW Carver - Victoria (1).pdf

We are sure that all of our GOLD STANDARD students and teachers have settled in after a successful first semester and are looking forward to another fun, challenging and stimulating second semester of teaching and learning at G.W. Carver Middle School!